
The Australian Teletrial Program (ATP) aims to improve access to, and participation in, clinical trials for rural, regional and remote Australians.

Teletrials is a proven model and uses telecommunications technology to connect rural, regional and remote (RRR) clinical trial site clusters. This allows patients the chance to join clinical trials closer to home. 

Australia connectivity map

Teletrials explained

How teletrials are being used in the Northern Territory

Cardiologist Dr Angus Baumann is passionate about equity of health access, and here in the video below, he explains how teletrials is helping to improve remote patient access to clinical trials.

Play Video about Taking Healthcare Further
Clinical researchers, healthcare leaders, policymakers and consumers are invited to address geographical and logistical challenges of conducting and participating in clinical trials, in regional, rural and remote areas.

Facilitated by Prof Nik Zeps and hosted by ATP Director Kaye Hewson. 

What is a teletrial?

Teletrial is a new, proven model for conducting clinical trials by connecting regional, rural and remote clinical trial sites to a primary site. The primary site supports local sites in building capacity and capability, promoting equitable health access and may lead to local sites becoming primary sites in the future. Teletrials involve numerous medical staff and researchers from various hospitals and health services in different locations. They use digital telecommunication to work as one team and conduct clinical trials closer to where patients live.

Speak to your doctor about clinical trials

How your team can get involved

How sponsors can get involved

Get in touch

The Australian Teletrial Program (ATP) will improve access to, and participation in, clinical trials for rural, regional and remote Australians.

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